My Learning Online

José Álvarez-Cornett
(@chegoyo en Twitter)
January  28, 2015
March 31, 2015 (Updated)

Illustration taken form the Eleaning Forum

Illustration taken from the E-Learning Forum.

I am a multidisciplinary professional with a broad and culturally diverse work experience. This world is so deep and interesting that there are always many new things to learn. Some are old ideas that I am yet to be familiar with while others are brand new thinking. That is why I believe in life long learning as a part of my personal growth experience. “Studying until death arrives”, seems to be like a good motto to follow. In these days one of my personal learning objectives is to learn more about Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and the other goal concerns learning about Green Economics.

Helping to nudge society towards a more sustainable world is now part of my personal objectives. Because Green Business Management and applying systems thinking are aspects needed to make the economy sustainable, I have been doing independent readings and taking online courses to understand how to develop and implement sustainability strategies, to learn how to measure sustainability and to obtain an understanding of sustainability issues at various levels (personal, cities, and business) and across different industry sectors.

A green economy is one that generates increasing prosperity while at the same time reducing our environmental impact. It is an economy that has the capability of replicating itself on a sustainable basis. This concept was developed by the economist David William Pearce (1941-2005) in his book, Blueprint for a Green Economy (1989, there is a new edition New Blueprint for a Green Economy, 2013). This concept remained half-forgotten until after the financial crisis of  2007-2008  when the United Nations Environment Program relaunched the idea of Green Economics in the Green Economic Report.

Beginning in 2014, and continuing in 2015, I started taking several online courses from American and European universities in the fields of Sustainable Development, Technology Entrepreneurship and Critical Thinking in Global Challenges. Below I provide a list of the courses and my accomplishments.


Completed Courses

The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia University, taught by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs; Grade Achieved: 92.3% with Distinction, February 01, 2015.

Age of sustainable development

Introduction to Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, taught by Prof. Jonathan Tomkin; Grade Achieved: 86.9%, Earned a Sustainability Badge, October 31, 2014.

Sutainability badge

Technology Entrepreneurship, Stanford University, taught by Prof. Chuck Eesley; Certificate of Accomplishment as Team Leader, September 2, 2014.

Stanford online

Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship, University of Maryland, College Park, taught by Dr. James V. Green; Grade Achieved: 97.6% with Distinction, September 2014.

Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia, Lund University, Sweden, Grade Achieved: 94.0% with Distinction, March 10, 2015.


Introduction to Environmental Science, Dartmouth University, Grade Achieved: 90.0%, March 31st, 2015. Certificate of Completion.


José G. Álvarez Cornett (Twiter: @Chegoyo)
Member of COENER, the “Physics and Mathematics for Biomedical Consortium“, and the American Physical Society (APS). Alumni Representative before the School of Physics Council, Faculty of Science, Central University of Venezuela.

JAC Chegoyo Mini Brief Bio English Ingles

Bio Key Words: Servant Leadership, VES Project, Digital Content CurationLarge Groups Intervention 

© Chegoyo 2015.

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3 Responses to "My Learning Online"

  1. Jozsef says:

    Hola José, muy interesante lo que has venido haciendo, lo encontré por casualidad en linkedin. Escríbeme para intercambiar un poco acerca de las experiencias de venezolanos académicos en el exterior.

  2. Tom Rum says:

    Looking for information about Dr. John Gschwendtner? I knew him quite well during my attendance as a student at Dowling College 1971-1975. Took my courses from him…. Contact me if I can be of help…

  3. Diana Hernandez-Szczurek says:

    Estimado Dr Alvarez Cornett

    Lei hoy su excelente artículo sobre NIHON VES: Los aportes de la inmigración cientifica japonesa en Venezuela….
    Se lo envie a un amigo venezolano que trabaja en la Embajada de Venezuela en Japón y al Embajador le gustaria traducirlo al japonés y les gustaría comunicarse con usted.
    Mucho le agradecería me informara como pueden comunicarse con usted.

    Atenta a sus comentarios
    Diana Hernandez-Szczurek

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